My Little Man
Lots of exciting things have been happening in our family. First off, Jackson started a special preschool for his speech delay. He loves going and he has made so much progress. He is doing a great job trying new words and communicating what he wants to us. Here are some pictures of his class room.
Next, Jackson got his crib converted into a big boy bed. I've put this off for a while because I felt more secure with him in his crib. But he started not wanting to sleep in it and so we thought it would be a good time for a change. In order to get him excited about his big boy bed we went and picked out a new bed set for him. Right now he really loves Buzz Lightyear , so we got Toy Story. He loves it. He constantly says "Look, Buzz!". And now he can say "Woody" too.The change has really worked out well for all of us and I'm grateful for that! We are also putting a bathroom in downstairs! Hallelujah! It is so exciting. We are so blessed. Our ward is helping with the huge project. People have been volunteering their time to do the plumbing, framing, sheet rock and tile work. Heavenly Father has really been looking out for us. And we can't wait to have it done. It shouldn't be too much longer and then I'll post some pictures of it.