
Yeah-I like it!

Jackson was so excited Christmas morning he was speechless! Usually he's jabbering away, but this video shows him saying only 3 things: bicycle, cars and "yeah I like it". So cute!

Another classic moment from this year is my niece, Brooklyn. She's our little drama queen! The last video is of her opening some clothes.

We bought my dad a really nice pair of binoculars and they were a hit!



Our 5th Anniversary

Justin and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary in November! The times has flown by so fast. I thank Heavenly Father every day for what a wonderful husband I have. Justin is the best! Here's my top five moments for our first five years of marriage:

5) Our first Christmas together- it was so perfect to wake up to my husband on Christmas morning!

4) Our May 2010 Disneyland Trip. Jackson fully enjoyed Disneyland for the first time on this trip. We were in Heaven!

3)The day Jackson was born. It was such a wonderful experience to bring him into the world. And on a side note: When Justin changed his diaper for the first time, Jackson started pooing and it just kept on going and going. I can still see Justin's face not knowing quite how to handle it. It was hilarious!

2) and 1) These two are tied simply because they both hold such a special place in my heart. The day we got married, Nov 16, 2005.

And the day we got sealed in the Salt Lake Temple as a family on May 3, 2008. They were both beautiful days.

Thanks, Justin for the most wonderful 5 years of my life. I love you, honey!